Chicissimo fare un Cambio - Wheel of the Initiator

Published on 15 February 2024 at 04:30

"And I am seized by long forgotten yearnings

for the solemn, silent world of spirits;

as on an aeolian harp my whispered song

lingers now in vagrant tones.

I shudder, and a tear draws other tears; 

my austere heart grows soft and gentle.

What I possess appears far in the distance, 

and what is past has turned into reality."   Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 



Kill your quaint - For more on non-assembled particles  a Status, Status, New Status

In breaths untied, I'm suspended with what's happening now, wherever we last left off, galvanic rhymes depart from a distance and close in on my head and into my courses, and irupts in me physical reacctions like an allergy or photosensitivity . Me I'm going through my own journey, too, and not sure how that can come across in a place where I'd like to report the news. The last couple days been absent pretty much forced into submission into lengthy sleep. I come out of it as though great medicine found its way to me although nothing really happened. It's an internal drama I'm not even a player. But it's alright when it's all right, again. 


In anticipation of Saint Valentine's and how this month has so far attributed red to birds, and oh sweet everlastings, and oh nightmareish realms, cause me screaming, I hate my life is always another story, bishops, the next big move, unfortunate discordance on the geopolitical stage, right now if they don't feel it they're going to be soon, understanding how the awakening twenties came to be. For the emergence of a behavioral change ripens, out of the evolutionary yearning for something sincere that grips us below the surface, and gawking around in our presently unfavorable forms with terribly tragic faces, long and stupid though we look, we inhabit ever more dreary and insipid thought-rooms which show no relent. Gently sewing all this together, we have resolved to remember. Remembering means to pay attention what people say to you, and hear what is coming out of your mouth. Remembering is to recall with decency who you once were and why that was the case. In life, everyone, we used to enjoy a place with more secrets. For better and for worse, it used to be that there was order in the social framework. Through a sense of order people had more privacy. For better or for worse, you could hide a lot in social expenditure. The approaching age has cast that aside - what you believe people don't notice about your character or your visage is in fact in currency in the social realm. I'm talking principles among other prior abstractions that form your matter. When people had more privacy, though, which is like of freedom, they had a developed keenness for discernment. This is now on the table in a way that we could not have previously expected. 


Love, love, my darling friends, my darling enemies! It's going to be dangerous, it's going to be real. If you don't know where to look, you will take a bow.


From 2023 but honestly don't know when: For the Intime:

The quickened, near lightning pace of our lived experiences now resides within and is expected of our emotional atmosphere. A common but insufficient explanation of our cultural woes amounts to the blame of our technology. Fine, but taking it a step further, and being specific about what our brain now conditions itself to understand: emotional growth must transpire within seconds. This is what is being demanded of our nervous system when seeking to satisfy our desires, particularly with respect to intimate relationships. There is in our midst, a desperation to the intimate relationships being had by young people. For looking at history, its well noted young people and teenagers have always been faint of heart. The joys of school girls and  boys bonding over their appreciation for one another. Its a past time that, nestles in your heart early, and continues for a lifetime: the simple joy of admiration.

But i do not feel a great joy or appreciation. I experience, as is found in a number of other human experiences briskly ushered into a modern tone, a sterility, a negativity, a sadness, a desperation, a regression. What is a dating application? What is alcohol as an agent to simple bonding? And, I don't think I am advocating for any falsely established idea of purity, in fact if anything I am condemning the very stiffness and prudishness that has lead us here, to A culture without a great sensuality. But I have said this once and I insist upon it: We Have Liked Each Other For Far Less.  Maybe it is worth saying to one person: I am intolerant of this shameful and shame-driven love life. I do not accept that young people are too frightened of themselves and one another to be honest; to be alone; to be simple.   I am hurt to know that at this particular time, large groups of young people are doing great damage to themselves and others because they are experiencing an unanswered anguish in their total cultural experience.

There is an endless stream of images and ideas now flowing through us and around us, at all hours, and in return an endless stream of ideas and meanings flowing out of us. From our psychic experience (mental and emotional imagery) creates within our physiology a mechanism to constantly satiate. A mechanism which seems to obfuscate the feeling of stillness or balance, which I would describe as an ability to perceive a natural harmony that already exists before we have made any determinations about ourselves or the environment. It is my understanding that this dissonance is what allows people to continuously pursue misshapen fields of intimacy. I have remarked at the tendency young women have to talk aimlessly about the goings on of their intimate lives and that at large take form of complete general discourse on sex and a general opinion of the male counterpart, both of which lack something of substance having been brought into a wider discussion and sense of opinion. Excessive intellectualisation of an unintellectual experience can only succeed to divest eros, what is essential to the erotic. So we are taking issue here with speed - speed of living, thinking, experience, and how this in turn effects our cognition, psychological expectations and processes. We are also taking issue with a regression and repression of senses due to an increased cerebral focus. This is not teachable - it is fully observable: The instantaneous demands one anticipates in the mental and material sense (insofar as mental decision has material consequence) is now foisted upon the emotional, physical, and ornate sensual components of human ability. What's more is, the web that connects the various senses and faculties of the human form have been skewed, so that there is no longer a clear communication taking place within the individual among his various sense-centers. Any well balanced person does not feel the need to react solely through their emotions, or their thoughts, but we live in most social transactions based upon the choices of people who can only do that. 

Another complication of this phenomena is the social discourse at large which serves further to conceal these issues and isolate modern people from simply feeling, all the while such discourse wishes to "get to the bottom of things" or better yet, be a "therapy". The half hearted psychological terminology being used by many people today and their obsessive need to compartmentalize their own neuroses or the neuroses of another, is in itself a neuroses. In relationships, talking does not change things. We have been lead to believe a lot of "what's wrong" in our society is that "we don't talk about things", but could anyone  trust that when given the chance, we would begin to talk in a truthful way? Talking is just talking. It does not change the reality of our behaviors and succeeds to postpone our responsibilities to another day when we might act differently. Talking does not bring humility unless someone can be honest. Talking does not bring respect unless that is the only thing to be conveyed. Words mean nothing until, words mean things. 

The sensuality of our day is hidden. When we liked each other for far less, it was the fundamentals of stimulation. Everyone was plain, and they smiled or spoke, or they were focused, and their beauty drew you to them. When letters were written, they were replied to. It's worth thinking about the every ounce of waste in the energy applied to text or social app message someone you may find interesting. Unfortunately, half of your interest is just what you imagined, fortified by what has been presented, all within the device that is an extension and matrix of your experiences which still take place in a material ground. So evidently there is a major loss taking place - a blow to communication within yourself and with another, and a loss in building any stimulation to the senses which is not cerebral. 

I feel this lack of sensuality contributes to and drives the malaise of anxiety which makes the young people behave in despair. Many young people, who still at their early stages lack boundary and understanding of self and self in the world, now habitually suffer the consequences of trying to create amorous hope where there is none. It's a frenetic and compulsive desire, to create circumstances to be stimulated where one receives a negative stimulation. 



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