Online Writing Culture

Published on 16 September 2024 at 15:01

In bizarreries I have feasted upon recently

I read this, without realising it was AI telling stories to itself.

I found out about a strange health business Because I saw he is hiring.

A fun bibliography of research about remote viewing, which is the new age "practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind" and is commonly brought up in conspiratorial newsmaking by people who believe intelligence agencies are trying to obscure their predatory scheduling for the public vis-a-vis manipulation of the mind through the favored psychocurrents..etc. etc... I had saved this long ago and it came up when I wanted to look for "remote jobs".

Searching for "remote jobs" online is another get rich quick scheme and, is like the whistleblowing everyone thinks they're doing.  I think that could be better styled as "Searching" for remote jobs online, since To search has forked from its general meaning of scouring for something, or exploring, and in its present internet framework seems to bear a much narrower reference, to Google Search. So I found myself using another engine, too. 


All Public Political Discourse is Conspiratorial

Something I'm beginning here, And prepared to stir around again: 

Enough reading in public spaces online will make clear there are all sorts of people using the internet. It's amazing how many get full run of the place because they have an intimate knowledge of gaming, coding, or years clocked in community/alternative posting which over time helps build tech knowledge. 

I've noticed people with a surface grasp of the internet - that is, they use it predominately for its democratic offerings best thought of as social media - are inclined to a particular type of conspiratorial thinking. Not to say that, people who find themselves in more remote corners of internet discourse aren't also drawn to these sort of opinions and worldview. They are, but often with elaborative purpose. 

For instance, I wouldn't think the perspective of a really talented computer programmer to be much different from the perspective of an elite and powerful businessman/investor. Sure, they may hold different or even opposing guiding principles, and therefore separate or opposing political standpoints - but we could say they fear the same shadows, due to a shared knowledge of where and through what techniques power is concentrated in our changing world. The businessman might be feared by others because of the control he has over matters concerning the public, and this position allowed him to learn from whom he should watch his back - even if he seems to be big and bad himself. The computer programmer did not need to rise to the businessman's social echelon to learn about the same shadows, but he read about them or corresponded among them in part through his craft, within underground networks that a lay person does not access on a regular basis. They are both political extremists whether they believe so or not, and it's true anyway that their respective positions do breed extremists.

In between them are conspiratorial democratic thinkers who have an idea that something is amiss with the present sociopolitical atmosphere along the entire red/blue spectrum, but despite what they say, can't quite ascertain where the collusion is, or who might be the "real enemy". This is one quality of information; it lives and is layered. What can be seen of it from the outside differs aggressively from what can be discovered about it through technical understanding. So we could illustrate this dichotomy with some other characters, along some other fields beyond "shared fears of the government or political operandi which may be real or imagined". 

And I love thinking about the "real enemy". The real enemy is the presiding subject within anyone's activism, it unites every political and social cause, and lives within any product's advertising, and I love it. People are proud of what they call a truth which few others possess - at least that's how it seems to them. In recent political life, even those who have decades of experience and have normally not been roused to any condemning or accusatory language have found themselves being forced to do so,  because the idea of deception has become a special part of American politics and American perspectives in global politics. It's just woven into the design of how we talk, now. 

[To Be Continued on Substack]

The Wheel

Something I dislike about where my mind goes is its struggle to keep in view what the point is. What's the point of our behavior, what's the goal - 

I had been writing something here but then it got deleted because I got defocused - I have to concede to laugh that that happened. But I was turning over those crazy thoughts about conscious/willful decision making, and passive striving which I guess could be understood like resignation, predestiny, becoming in agreement with something that is going along already. To consider what your goals are and what you're wanting to achieve seems to weigh between candidates who hope to be your judge - "What path do I follow?" can be measured by "What laws do I abide ?". 

On very few things I can be certain, and I'd like to conclude this is because of all the variety and distinctions one can make about what comprises our green world, it all rests on the back of a few, far reaching, natural truths which are final. Everything but these immutable and foundational facts of reality is a matter of taste. 
I mean I guess... the inertia of My resting sometimes poses controversies to me about what I'm supposed to be doing once again. And what's more frightening than someone missing out on things: missing opportunities because his conscious striving was so rigid - I worry - or losing grip on the wheel because his passive embrace is unrefined - Oh God!

"What else do you want from me"

The salient decision making moments are often taken in passivity, and the moments I have invoked a righteousness in principles toward conscious decision making have never been as grand as they hoped to be. There are a couple physio-psychological source centers from which we derive the confirmations "yes" or "no". So to say that we can exist under a common definition of free will, and to use this as a basis for so many arguments about world-organisation, is really to make some automaton dramas and excitedly call one "good enough", as well as "bearing likeness" to what we experience; there is clearly a lot more going on with free will and decision making. (This will be further investigated in an article called A Day - The Window)


To-day Tomorrow

This is blogging this isn't essaying. I've been spreading into substack which is an unusual platform for long hand, as well it is extremely political and conspiratorial. I have spent on and off a week or so working on this post and I remember one last thing that I'd like to tell - remembering your attitude. I kind of think things like "I don't remember when I became such a brat", so, maybe I can bow deeper to some things, spend even more time pruning, plucking away, shaping. Watch out: to the coming of autumn once again, with terror, for many what a dramatic week it has been forcing us to pick a door, like 27 28 29 30 little cleaners that we are. 

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