I am a Religion

Published on 26 September 2024 at 22:05

This year was going to bring forward  Extant feelings in the face of which we become bad - Of course it did, and worse.

To throw out another random and nearly useless system, in Chaldean numerology the life cycles of people are shed in groups of 9, which is the last of single digit formulation. 

This year was my seventh year, as well am I a "life path" number 7, meaning when you total the numbers of my birthdate and year together, that is the number I came out on . And whatever that might mean, one uses the general sense to conclude "For me, the years 2023-2024 reinstitute the feeling of being born and coming into the world". 

7 this year going on to 8 where maybe I can afford to think about what I'm supposed to give. I always made a home out of the smallest, most stupid concerns any two large funny guys could sit together and laugh over. Like dreaming about bugs or evil animals that won't stop biting me. 

I see in general the conversations have been about Where the Time is Going. Old photos and memorabilia come out, people popping up from pre-covid days, or maybe just the absence of someone from your life finds its way to you. You might not miss them now, but you're aware of who you were back then. New milestones we never had - and are not sure if we want - up against the choice of how the atmosphere was before [before it all goes away]. Not only is the way we will go on to preserve this life changing, Something essential in the pacing of our lives issues a nagging feeling: Yesterday and tomorrow are hinged at eroding shores, New tech Makes it all seem so far away, Old photos start showing Why; At many other times they were Just sweet- now we see it has all really been done away with.

And it is Never really gone - but the outer planet cast furthest from us (Pluto) sits on the final degree of its journey through Capricorn, scraping the depth of the last 16 years of our thinking; different from how the grandfather time-keep (Saturn), or the drunken ascendant (Neptune) or the thunderous glutton (Jupiter) might go about such a journey. Of everything going on in the skies, it is isolationist Pluto on its final degree of Capricorn that is bringing out all this hopeless/hopeful "Time to answer to our social karma" communal begrudging. 'Social and systemic transformation ' 'Hierarchical transformation' 'Power itself undergoes transition'   in every headline and local discourse. We are looking forward to Pluto in Aquarius, which last occurred during the early stages of The United States (1777-1798), also coinciding with the French Revolution. 

Every astrologer is discussing this, but you can read the 16 year calendar someone put together here which I feel could help you understand how pervasive the journey of pluto has been for our crew. Because pluto in an aquarian form has such a strong emphasis on transformations in technology, I get the sense that how we package our memories and what we consider to be precious or worth preserving will be changing. This is symbiotic and synonymous with transformations in practice of psychology, therapy, anything treating our subconscious and intellectual property, and taking on out of the box methods of organizing our thoughts and sensations - as well as helping others to do the same. Pluto in Aquarius, robot girlfriends..? Psychic investment firms? 


About me/About Us; Venus in Scorpio Satisfaction

September 22nd -October 17th 2024

And you know I am the victim of frustrations whose equal provocateur at other occasions is supreme delight. 

Venus, ruling love, describing value certainly. Values both sensual and material i.e, principles as well as currency. What we love is what we are thankful for (grace), what we love and are willing to exchange is what satisfies us. 

You know what love is? No, increasingly no... 

At this age for the girls What I thought were love realms are next things to do away with. I kind of mourn for all the open-ended connections the girls grab along the way, not to be understood or addressed again, while time impels us to decide on something.  

I was born with venus in scorpio and although it's not a technically  comfortable place for venus to be, I think for all of us it can recall extremes which are part of life:

When I want to set things right with myself, which i have had to continuously attempt, I try to revisit those irreducible facts: what I love,What informs my world view, and what i find necessary. 

Seeking higher ground right through the original teachers, older folks, even slightly older, what they say and the way they say it.  They too have the chance to realise how far they've come, and to tell me, to tell you, to tell someone else, just to keep your focus. 

Not everyone's right, or even hopeful - but for our generation, we really can't see what's coming, no, it's more bizarre than promised, more subterranean. 


Young age when prejudices are informed by

a. Idealism

b. Any idea of how things are supposed to be/how people are and ceaseless Attribution of Meaning 

c. Searching

d. The state of confusion

What we could do away with 

i. Realising

ii. Excessive gratitude 


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